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Automatic Node Provisioning

We'll start putting Karpenter to work by examining how it can dynamically provision appropriately sized EC2 instances depending on the needs of Pods that cannot be scheduled at any given time. This can reduce the amount of unused compute resources in an EKS cluster.

The provisioner created in the previous section expressed specific instance types that Karpenter was allowed to use, lets take a look at those instance types:

Instance TypevCPUMemoryPrice

Let's create some Pods and see how Karpenter adapts. Currently there are no nodes managed by Karpenter:

~$kubectl get node -l type=karpenter
No resources found

The following Deployment uses a simple pause container image, and we'll use resource requests to predictably scale the cluster. Initially this has 0 replicas so we can gradually scale it deliberately:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: inflate
namespace: other
replicas: 0
app: inflate
app: inflate
type: karpenter
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 0
- name: inflate
memory: 1Gi

What's a pause container?

You'll notice in this example we're using the image This is a small container that will consume no real resources and starts quickly, which makes it great for demonstrating scaling scenarios. We'll be using this for many of the examples in this particular lab.

Apply this deployment:

~$kubectl apply -k /workspace/modules/autoscaling/compute/karpenter/scale

Now, let's deliberately scale this deployment to demonstrate that Karpenter is making optimized decisions. Since we've requested 1Gi of memory, if we scale the deployment to 5 replicas that will request a total of 5Gi of memory.

Before we proceed, what instance from the table above do you think Karpenter will end up provisioning? Which instance type would you want it to?

Scale the deployment:

~$kubectl scale -n other deployment/inflate --replicas 5

Because this operation is creating one or more new EC2 instances it will take a while, you can use kubectl to wait until its done with this command:

~$kubectl rollout status -n other deployment/inflate --timeout=180s

Once all of the Pods are running, lets see what instance type it selecting:

~$kubectl -n karpenter logs deployment/karpenter -c controller | grep 'Launched instance' | tail -1

You should see output that indicates the instance type and the purchase option:

2022-09-03T05:27:20.771Z        INFO    controller.provisioning.cloudprovider   Launched instance: i-03c39c66e4c19b955, hostname:, type: m5.large, zone: us-west-2c, capacityType: on-demand {"commit": "b157d45", "provisioner": "default"}

The Pods that we scheduled will fit nicely in to an EC2 instance with 8GB of memory, and since Karpenter will always prioritize the lowest price instance type for on-demand instances, it will select m5.large.


There are certain cases where a different instance type might be selected other than the lowest price, for example if that cheapest instance type has no remaining capacity available in the region you're working in

We can also check the metadata added to the node by Karpenter:

~$kubectl get node -l type=karpenter -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.labels}' | jq .

This output will show the various labels that are set, for example the instance type, purchase option, availability zone etc:

"": "amd64",
"": "m5.large",
"": "linux",
"": "us-west-2",
"": "us-west-2a",
"": "1911afb91fc78905500a801c7b5ae731",
"": "m",
"": "2",
"": "m5",
"": "5",
"": "nitro",
"": "8192",
"": "29",
"": "large",
"": "on-demand",
"": "true",
"": "default",
"": "amd64",
"": "",
"": "linux",
"": "m5.large",
"": "us-west-2a",
"": "us-west-2",
"": "us-west-2a",
"type": "karpenter",
"": "true"

This simple examples illustrates the fact that Karpenter can dynamically select the right instance type based on the resource requirements of the workloads that require compute capacity. This differs fundamentally from a model oriented around node pools, such as Cluster Autoscaler, where the instance types within a single node group must have consistent CPU and memory characteristics.