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Anonymous Access Granted to Kubernetes API

This finding indicates that the anonymous user system:anonymous was granted API permissions on the EKS cluster. This enables unauthenticated access to the permitted APIs.

To simulate this we'll create a role pod-create in default namespace.

~$kubectl create role pod-create --verb=get,list,watch,create,delete,patch --resource=pods -n default

Now that the role has been created, we can bind it with system:anonymous user. Below command will create rolebinding named pod-access binding role pod-create to the user named system:anonymous.

~$kubectl create rolebinding pod-access --role=pod-create --user=system:anonymous

Within a few minutes we'll see the finding Policy:Kubernetes/AnonymousAccessGranted in the GuardDuty portal.


~$kubectl delete rolebinding pod-access -n default
~$kubectl delete role pod-create -n default